What’s Up at New Hope Vineyard

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE – Tuesday, December 24th at 7pm. Enjoy  an evening of Carols, Candlelight, Cocoa and Cookies.

Sunday Breakfasts – Join us for  breakfast every first Sunday of the month t 9am. The next one is January 5th.

Missions LuncheonSunday, December 15th, right after church, we will have a light luncheon of soup and sandwiches served with a presentation from Luke and Molly Verhagen – Missionaries to Papua New Guinea. There’s no cost, but an offering will be taken for the Verhagens. 

Sunday Evening Prayer – A time of deep, soaking prayer and light worship, every third Sunday of the month at 6pm. The next one is December 15th.

Men’s Bible Study – Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:30am in the Gathering Place. All men of all ages welcome! 

Ladies’ Prayer – Every Thursday Morning at 10am in the Gathering Place

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