Our Team

beth garza

ministry assistant

Chris Canode

worship Director

The leadership of New Hope Vineyard
is composed of 2 teams:

1) The Executive Team oversees the legal and financial administrations of the church

2) The Ministry Council oversees the spiritual growth and ministry areas of the church

Both groups work together to lead the church by way of mutual respect and submission towards one another.

Ministry Council

executive team

Tony Buxsel: Teaching, Discipleship, Pastoral Care
Carolyn Edmonds: Women’s Ministry
Jim Edmonds: Men’s Ministry
Beth Garza: Outreach Ministry
Ray Garza: Youth Ministry
Sharla McMaster: Sunday Morning Coordinator
Bob & Becky Miller: Prayer and Prophetic
Pam Pendleton: Vineyard Kids’ Church
Tony Buxsel
Ray Dayringer
Ray Garza
Rod McMaster
Tina Myers
Bryan Pendleton

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