Service Order

March 30, 2025 Service Information

Worship Leader - CHRIS - Welcome and greetingPrayer available at the cross during worship




SONG #4  

ANNOUNCEMENTS- ELIZABETH – Good morning everyone! My name is……… and I serve as the (or on the)……….

If you are a first-time guest, we would love if you would fill out a Connection Card found in the seatback pocket of the chair in front of you and tell us how you found your way here today. Drop your card in the offering basket or at the info table in the Gathering Place. For each card received, we will donate $10 to the Pontifex Food Outreach to help feed those in need in our community. We also have a Welcome Packet for YOU that contains a small gift and some more information to help you know who we are.

(Look at camera) If you are joining us from home today and would like to connect or have a prayer request, please visit our–and let us know how we can serve you.

VKC and NURSERY can head to the side door to meet your teachers... Youth get to stay in here with us today!

As they leave I have a few announcements to share with you……………… 
  • CELBRATE EASTER! We are celebrating Jesus' resurrection throughout April, beginning next week with a special pancake breakfast! Invite your friends and family to breakfast at 9 and stay to worship together at 10.
  • Holy Week begins the following week (April 13th) with a Palm Sunday Spaghetti Luncheon, immediately following the worship service. There is no cost for the meal, however an offering will be taken during the luncheon to support our missionaries.
  • Good Friday, April 18th, will consist of three, 55-minute, video-led, worship experiences. These quiet, contemplative times of worship are very similar to last year, but will last a little longer, beginning at the top of each hour, beginning at 2, 3, and 4pm.
  • Easter Sunday - Bring your family and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with us on April 20th! 
  • That's a lot going on. Need help remembering? Pick up some invitations at the Welcome Desk and invite friends and family to join us for this Easter Season!
OFFERING - Let’s continue our worship by collecting our tithes and offerings.(PRAY OVER OFFERING).
SERMON- Tony Buxsel - WHY JESUS? Before Abraham Was Born, I Am